October Email
Missing Workshop Evaluations/Sign-in Sheets from Conference.
If you found that you took home the evaluation or sign-in sheets from a session at the conference, please send them to: Labor Notes, 7435 Michigan Ave., Detroit, MI 48210. Thanks for all your help!
Government Workers Meeting: If you attended the Government Workers special interest meeting at the Labor Notes Conference, please email
William with your contact information. The email list from that meeting got lost in the shuffle, but we'd very much like to get in touch with all the attendees.
Program Books from the 2003 Labor Notes Conference are available for $2.00 if you would like to see what happened or would like another copy. Send your request with shipping address to Labor Notes
For daily updates on the Immigrant Worker Freedom Rides, check out Vicos Voco.
Passenger Teo Reyes is writing and travelling on the Sin Fronteras bus that originated in Chicago. Several buses are traversing the country bound for Washington, D.C. to lobby and then continue to NY for the final rally Sunday, October 4.
Another weblog currently under construction is: They Call Us Troublemakers. This site was started at the Labor Notes conference. Soon, you will be able to comment on Labor Notes articles, the conference, and more. Watch for a future posting about this new Labor Notes feature.
If you found that you took home the evaluation or sign-in sheets from a session at the conference, please send them to: Labor Notes, 7435 Michigan Ave., Detroit, MI 48210. Thanks for all your help!
Government Workers Meeting: If you attended the Government Workers special interest meeting at the Labor Notes Conference, please email
William with your contact information. The email list from that meeting got lost in the shuffle, but we'd very much like to get in touch with all the attendees.
Program Books from the 2003 Labor Notes Conference are available for $2.00 if you would like to see what happened or would like another copy. Send your request with shipping address to Labor Notes
For daily updates on the Immigrant Worker Freedom Rides, check out Vicos Voco.
Passenger Teo Reyes is writing and travelling on the Sin Fronteras bus that originated in Chicago. Several buses are traversing the country bound for Washington, D.C. to lobby and then continue to NY for the final rally Sunday, October 4.
Another weblog currently under construction is: They Call Us Troublemakers. This site was started at the Labor Notes conference. Soon, you will be able to comment on Labor Notes articles, the conference, and more. Watch for a future posting about this new Labor Notes feature.